Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New Car

While totaling my car wasn't fun, it's turned into a blessing in disguise. I got a new car. Not that the Civic was all that bad, but it's nice to have a car that I can roll the windows up when driving over speed of 20 mph. And when going up hills while traveling on interstate highways,  I will no longer get passed by these:

I like my new car. It looks like this:
And, in case you are following my bad luck, US Airways sent me a travel voucher and a check for my lost baggage. Not perfect, but much much better. 


Anne said...

that's an Israeli car! ha ha! those things are everywhere here. and yeah for semi-resolving the lost baggage thing. what a nightmare! word verification: pogentiv.

what does that mean?

Sheryl said...

adorable! after the mission i really wanted a small car or hatchback b/c that's what a ton of people had down there. for now i'll live the idea vicariously through you.

sNick said...

That's hot.

Nicki said...

So cute, Erin! And so rad to get a new car. Sorry about the misfortune it took to get there, though.

For the record, I'm supposed to be doing freelance right now, but I decided that checking your blog would be more fun :)

love you!

Vanessa said...

I think I have seen that car somewhere before....