Tuesday, October 26, 2010


At home sick, ding the following activities:

1. Knitting James a tie for Christmas. He never reads this, so I'm not worried about spoiling the surprise here. What'll probably spoil the surprise is that we live in a 600 square foot apartment. It's hard to keep secrets. And, by the way, the tie is amazing. Looks a lot like this:

2. Popping Zicam every three hours.

3. Watching every episode on hulu.com of Modern Family, The Office, 30 Rock, and Community. I'm so grateful we don't actually have TV. I'd get nothing done.

4. Not writing my Master's Thesis and not trying to figure out standard deviation for my data therein.

5. Trying unsuccessfully to not eat all the super cheap Halloween candy we bought for trick-or-treaters.

Other than being sick and stressed (see number 4) life is pretty dang great. James is absolutely lovely. He really is. I never wanted to be that cheesy blogger who is like "My hubby is so amazing blah blah blah my life is so great blah blah blah my kids are so cute blah blah blah" so I guess that's why I haven't written lately. Because my hubby really is great. And it makes my life pretty great, despite stress and a totally blown immune system. Being sick isn't so bad when you've got someone who wakes up with you every time you do in the night trying to make you more comfortable and gets you medicine or tea or whatever, even though he has an 11 hour work day waiting for him when he wakes up and then visits with the elder's quorum presidency. He's adorable. But I'll stop now.

I have been knitting up a storm. I just learned and have been making pretty rad stuff. I'll post pictures soon (or not soon, let's be honest). We're pretty poor right now until I start making $ after my master's and student teaching stuff is done. So we're making our Christmas presents. We don't want to give crappy cheap gifts (what we can afford) so we're going to make stuff. And while the recipient might find them "crappy," homemade crap always trumps store-bought crap. No contest.

We're living on love and James' intern salary. He's a school psychology intern at a school here in Mesa. He is basically the school psych there, but gets paid like a 16-year-old working a summer job at Baskin Robbins. He'll finish his doctorate in May (ish). I'm finishing student teaching and my thesis (in theory...). I'll graduate with my masters December 16th from ASU. I've heard it said that a diploma from ASU is like monopoly money. So there you go.

Happy October!


Paula said...

I'm glad that you decided to blog about your wonderful life. These years living on love are great and prepare you to really appreciate the fatter years with more $. You are really a funny girl and yes, homemade crap is better than purchased crap--much higher quality! Sorry you are sick! Get better!

Unknown said...

Hurrah newlyweds! If you ever need to gush, you know I've got your back :) Love the tie, hope you feel better, and I'm so glad I'm not alone on the stressing/not working/stressing about the master's thesis. love you girlfriend!