Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A dose of perspective

I spent two hours in the hospital yesterday getting a much better perspective on my life. This happens from time to time. Occasionally, I leave the very small place that is my world and get a better idea of what all this is really about.

While just hours earlier I was distressed about my woeful love life or something else equally trivial, I sat there comforting a mother whose 19-year-old son was in very critical condition--in ICU since a July 10th back surgery from his neck to tailbone--and was now having a violent reaction to too much morphine.

Suddenly, I did not have any problems worth mentioning. As I held my arm around her, praying for both this poor kid and his remarkable mother, but I could not help praying that I would never be sitting in her chair, helplessly watching over my child suffer through years of unspeakable pain.

To all those strong enough to be that mom, I salute you.


sNick said...

I thought that you were finally going to blog about our trip, but I guess that this is note-worthy, too ;)

Nicki said...

seriously. I had a similar realization today when I was mentoring low-income Hispanic kids and I recalled getting teary over losing the bid on a clothing washer and dryer I was hoping to get from the classifieds earlier in the day. How ridiculous we are when we think our problems are oh so big. silly.

tiffany garfield photography said...

Oh wow! This seriously scares me. I can't even comprehend how it would feel. The WORST thing ever. I hope he gets better soon. :)