In any case, I had just ran across the main road near our home, dodging a big white truck when I heard the distinct noise of lots of crap getting thrown into the streets. Living in a neighborhood where the residents normally fling whatever trash they have from their passing car or as they peddle their bike, I was at first super crazy ticked. I have spent A LOT of time picking up trash in the street and on the sidewalk near our house. I hate people who litter intensely. Almost as much as I hate the person that leaves the coupons in my mailbox, but that is an entirely different post.
So I turn around to see boxes of Special K snack bars in the road. My eyes then turned to the truck speeding off and the large crate of similar boxes. The guy had no idea that he had lost boxes. As usual when I see stuff in the road, I scurried to pick it all up before the next wave of traffic hit. Another man with a buzzed head and few missing teeth was also running towards the mess to help me in my efforts.
"He has no idea he's lost these!" he declared.
"And he wont know until he's gotten to wherever he's going," I started.
We both paused, our loot at our feet as we stood on the sidewalk.
"Wanna split them?" I said said with a smile.
Needless to say, he was all about my idea and we both parted with grins the size of footballs, though one was noticeably less toothy than the other.
Now James I are are pretty dang poor at the moment (see earlier post) and have actually had a hard time affording any groceries after our bills have been paid. It looks like I have a full time job starting in January (more on that to come) with a salary and benefits, so this is certainly temporary, but I have to admit, we've struggled to make ends meet and put food in our bellies. Seriously, this was such a huge blessing!
As you well know, James and I live in the ghetto. While I would normally look at food strewn across the street as something to avoid, I actually watched the boxes fly from their crates in the back of this truck and watched them fly across the street. It's like it was timed perfectly so that I would pass the exact right spot at the exact right moment. It's like the heavens tapped me on the shoulder and said: "Hey, want a snack?"
I haven't been home 30 minutes and James has eaten two bars already.