Monday, January 18, 2010

By popular demand

and an influx of questions, I have decided to shed a little more light on the last post. I kind of sprung it on all you folks, but trust me--it sprung up on me too.

And yes, it's for real. On May 1st I am going to marry the man I love in the Mesa, AZ temple. I am completely and utterly thrilled. I'm also about 99% sure I am the world most annoying roommate right now. My happiness is absolutely disgusting. I fully admit it. And really cheesy things have been escaping my lips as of late. And I'm becoming something that sort of resembles "tender" and "sweet." It's very very weird and my family is still in shock from the transformation. What's weirder still is that it feels so natural to be so cheesy now. Creepy, huh?

So this is James Clayton Reeder (and me, of course).
And I love him. I am absolutely in love with this guy. He's 30, from Mesa, went to BYU for his undergrad and is in his last year of his doctoral program in clinical psychology. And yes, sometimes I AM afraid he is going to psychoanalyze me. He's incredibly kind, incredibly smart and very genuine. In fact, at first, I wasn't sure I could date him because he had no "jerk" in him at all. I found myself in completely new territory and basically didn't know what to do with him. I met him in my singles' ward and my dad met him first (temple recommend interview) and yes, he approves. In fact, a couple weeks ago he basically told me to "not blow it" with James.

And yes, things happened a little fast. A lot faster than the next three months is going to feel. Of that I am sure.


heather said...

Congrats! He is one lucky man, I'm sure!

Jen and Ty said...

Oh my goodness! I am so excited for you! Congratulations! We need to hang out some time. If you are up for some snow we just got a ton of it, and if not I would love to come down there, but I know you are busy (super busy now with planning a wedding!). If there is every anything you need, let me know.

Oh, and we really like the name James around is what we named our new baby boy!

The Standrings said...

oh sweet! i married a james too!
erin i am dying right now. I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER FOR YOU!!!!! may 1st? how exciting!!! i will call you soon! i want to chat!!

tiffany garfield said...

I'm internet stocking you or so it seems---so happy for you!!!!!!

Maggie said...

I'm so happy about this! You deserve this girl! What a lucky couple. Thanks for updating us!

Paula said...

Congrats to you and James! How exciting. I am so happy for you. Enjoy the ride! Love you!

Staci said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I'm grinning ear to ear for you! Now it makes sense why you were supposed to come HOME and not be living in DC or some foreign country right now:)

Breanna Gaylord said...

woohoo!! im so excited for you. what a cute couple you guys are. congrats. married life really is the best:)

Sara Borg said...

Erin! I love that you are in love! I hope to come to Mesa in March and if I do I will let you know. We would def meet up.
Can't wait to hear more about the wedding and marriage planning. Let me know if I can do anything to help.
Love, borg

Brecken said...

Hi! It's Brecken, Twink's sister. I come to your blog occasionally(cause you're totally hilarious!) and wanted to say congrats!!!! He's a lucky guy. You rock.

Poelmans said...

erin you're hilarious. i love you. i thought i was cheesy until i met my husband too--it's a whole different plane. come visit!