So I work at the MTC (Missionary Training Center) as a French teacher and teaching evaluator. I absolutely love my job. But I am graduating in a couple weeks and have been very much looking forward to saying goodbye to this part of the country. And when I say "very much" I mean that the only thoughts that are keeping me sane at this point are thoughts of me driving away from this place and starting a new life far far away.
Which is why I am surprised that about 10 minutes ago I just completed an application for a job that if I got, I would be expected to stick around another few years. Oi.
So here's what happened:
Basically, my boss has been encouraging all his employees with a pulse and an ability to string coherent sentences together to apply for his job. I have been resistant and resolute in my decision to NOT apply for the job since even before I left for Israel. But strangely enough, I've felt actually really good about applying for the job that could potentially destroy all my dreams. So naturally, I've tried to fight such self-destructive feelings. But today, on the very last day the job was open to applications, I sat down with my boss and somehow, he convinced me to run home and apply for his job.
And I did. And I think I might just throw up.