Saturday, December 6, 2008

Scrooge no more

I'm notorious for giving super crappy gifts for birthdays, Christmas etc, that is IF I actually remember to do anything. But I am turning a new leaf. I've even started my Christmas shopping already. I know, so thoughtful, huh? 

I've been trying for a couple months and here is something cool I made my sister, Vanessa, for her birthday in October. It was given late, but don't judge me. 

It's made entirely out of recycles grocery sacs or plastic sacs from stores ironed together to make a thicker plastic material that I could then sew together to create this sac. All is plastic except the handles, which are part recycles plastic and part fabric (I line them so they are more sturdy). I used bags I collected in Costa Rica and Israel this year. The side panels are the poka dotty stuff. I've made a few before, but this is pretty much the coolest thing I've ever made. It's to carry groceries. So you are seriously limiting waste here. Tight, no?


Anonymous said...

Dude, this is the LV 2009 Spring collection, did you get it at France? It is awesome

heather said...

You MADE that? I read what you wrote, but I am still just not understanding... you ironed plastic grocery type of bags lined with fabric?? Huh?

brett and carly said...

Ah cute! Way to go!

Sabriel said...

i still want one yo. they're beautiful!

Katie said...

I love Erin!