Thursday, March 26, 2009

I think that I may end up in Washington D.C. afterall. My initial timing was just a bit off. 

Last Saturday, I ran the national half marathon there and as I ran with the hordes past the capitol building and the Washington Monument (all the while praying that I would regain feeling in my hands and feet), I began to fall madly in love. It was like a void that I didn't know could be satisfied was beginning to be filled by being in this amazing city. The love grew as I ran through Columbia Heights and past the wonderfully rowdy residents with tables of free cups of beer for the runners and the happily bundled people cheering from the sides carrying signs that said "Your feet only hurt from kicking so much a--".  

These people are so great it brings a tear to my eye.
The museums, the people, the food (Ben's Chili Bowl)---just the overall vibe---I can't get enough of it. It was 5 days of soul-satisfying goodness. So after my masters program, D.C., here I come. 


brett and carly said...

Good for you!

sNick said...

Yea for Ben's Chili Bowl! Flights to Europe are so cheap right now, it's making me sick. I just can't afford it. Maybe in the fall...maybe.

elizabeth said...

Graduate school? I thought the program is no longer. Anyways, you know I'm excited to gain a fellow east coaster. Woohoo!! And congrats of the 13 miles.

Unknown said...

YES PLEASE SAY YES! I may be back for the summer!!!!

Anne said...

yeah! i agree, what is the graduate school plan? the program back on now? we love DC!

tiffany garfield said...

Nice job! You rock! always. So I heard you came and went--no call?! No worries, it's cool, I'm sure you were busy. Seriously, I didn't say that sarcastically. You can never tell with this comment stuff. So DC after all. That's awesome! Keep us posted. Love you! Twink :)