Coming back from my DC/NYC trip, I checked my bags, filled with my favorite clothes and shoes (including an amazing pair of red wedge slingbacks I had just purchased in NYC), my tourquoise necklace I had made in Jerusalem, my macbook powercord, my cell phone charger, my chi flat iron, my new puma and nike running clothes (bought for the marathon), new Gaultier perfume, perscription meds...the list goes on and it's all gone gone gone. All in a brand new samsonite roller. I've felt like vomiting for days.
When I told my cousin who works for the airline about my predicament, he said that I'll probably never see my bag again especially if it went through Philadelphia. He said the disgruntled workers have routinely set fire to bags or thrown them in the river. Needless to say, I felt fantastic after talking to him.
When I brought up "the Philadelphia issue" with a US airways employee who has been helping me, she became very silent and then said, "Ma'am, the situation in Philadelphia has gotten much better as of late." She then told me more horror stories about what the workers did to bags. I couldn't quite figure out why because the more she rambled on, the sick feeling in my stomach grew and the more certain I became that I would never, ever see my bag again.
It's been three days and there is no sign of my bag anywhere. Please pray they find it...I'm really freaking out.
Oh, Erin. That seriously sucks so, so bad. I can't even imagine. I'll pray for you!
ewwww. this is so out of control disgusting. i am praying and crossing my fingers and wishing on stars for your suitcase.
Sick! Ugh. I'm sorry girly...really. I had no idea about Philly employees! Ewww! One more reason why I really dislike that place.
Oh that totally sucks. I'm so sorry. I hope they DO find it, and I will never ever check bags. Thanks for the heads up. AND there are about a million people who need jobs right now -it seems like they should fire every last bag handler in Philly and hire new ones. Don't ya think? I really hope it turns up.
I just stumbled upon your blog (it's a link from Nicki's) and I've been crying, laughing, and nearly peeing my pants with all your posts. You just crack me up. Oh, and Southwest belongs in hell too. They stole my video ipod and digital camera. Boooo. Miss your face and now glad I can keep up to date with your blog!
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