Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Being 37 weeks pregnant means I've had a lot of people touching my belly. And to be quite frank, it hasn't bothered me at all. Friends do it, ward members, family, my students...and it doesn't bug me. When I see pregnant belly (well, before being pregnant) I want to rub it. I think it's human nature. So it hasn't bugged me...until my strange neighbor stopped me and started REALLY rubbing my belly. Usually, people ask to rub, then just rub it a little in the middle for a second or two and leave smiling. This lady rubbed ALL OVER and wouldn't stop til I backed away. And she didn't ask. Sorta strange.

But not as strange as the interaction I had with her EVEN MORE odd husband this afternoon. I rarely see him. He is a short, stubby, 60-something guy that is usually holed up smoking various things in his apartment. In fact, the only times I'd seen him before was smoking on his balcony staring at people and walking his dog at 3:00am.

Today, he asked how the pregnancy was going. He also offered to deliver the baby. Yes. Deliver the baby.


tiffany garfield photography said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Watch that baby like a're crazy neighbor may think it's his or something. Seriously they sound crazy!!! haha Hope you're feeling well, as well as you can at 37 weeks.

elizabeth said...

Oh, this post cracked me up. For some reason I don't mind it when people I know rub my belly. Because yes, it's usually just a pat and for a second. But that's crazy!

See you soon!!

sNick said...

Sick your students on him.

The Standrings said...

creepy creepy. stay away from that guy!