Saturday, March 3, 2012

Hello World

Eleanor Maxine Reeder, 6 lbs 10 oz born 4:18am (after 22 hours of labor) via c-section on Leap Day! I am so very in love with this girl. I love the pic of her coming out. It's like she is saying "Hello World! Here I am!" I'll do a better update once I am feeling more with it (i.e. actually wear clothes again). Though the delivery was a bit crazy, it was so worth everything. Oh my heavens, I love being a mom. I have hardly slept for almost a week and I don't even care. I WANT to be sleep deprived if it means I get to take care of my little sweetheart. I know, it's a little sick how cheesy I've gotten. No really, it is. But I don't care.
Happy daddy just after delivery. He held her before I did. That was hard. At this moment, I was being sewn back up and was strapped to a table and getting demoral injections because I was shaking so much. I met up with them a little later.
Eleanor's 1st pic. I couldn't see a thing. I just heard "Oh, she is so tiny!" and "She is beautiful and has so much hair!" I cried (tears of joy) when I heard her first cries. Shaking, scared, and so very happy. Hormones are weird.


Ca V Ha said...

Oh Erin! She is beautiful! Congrats on being a mommy, it is a wild adventure that will keep you on your toes for years to come! Our babies are only a month apart! I think out of all the people I know (excluding soeur Preece) I would pick you to have a leap day baby! Congrats again!

sNick said...

Agreed, when I heard she was born on leap day, I thought, "How appropriate". She's already wonderful and unique. She really is beautiful. I can't believe you went through 22 hours of labor - that sounds horrendous. If anyone could handle it, though, it'd be you. I can't wait to meet her. I'll be on my way ASAP.

Brittney said...


tiffany garfield photography said...

She's beautiful! You're beautiful! I love you both and am so glad things are going well. I'm so happy for you guys! I want to call you. It s 4 hour difference--what time is god your time? Oh, I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I can't wait to meet Miss Eleanor! Can't wait!

The Standrings said...

erin she is so cute! so happy for you!
and you are not cheesy- it is called love!!!

Kristin Lea Robinson said...

teared up reading this!