Friday, May 24, 2013

Having kids 14 months apart is hard. Especially when one has a temp of 104 for 2 days and wont eat or drink anything (Eleanor) and the other has pink eye, jaundice, and funky breathing patterns (Edie). All the while, I have a UTI, am engorged, have a suspicious lump in my arm pit, the most heinous cold sore you have ever seen (it's consuming my chin now and my husband wont kiss me), and recovering from a c-section while my husband is so stressed and overwhelmed from work, I might as well be a single parent.

Does this sound like complaining? It should, because I am. This is hard. I am no Xena warrior princess mamma.


sNick said...

If anyone can do it, you can, Erin. Keep your chin up, kid. You're doing great.

Julie said...

I don't know you. You don't know me, but let me just reach through the computer and give you a hug. It's tough. I had 2 kids less than a year apart, and I'm here to tell you it gets better once they are in school. Just kidding. They are going to be best friends and you will love it! You just gotta get out of this yucky just had a baby stage. I volunteer for the AZ Postpartum Wellness Coalition and I talk to a lot of moms that are right where you are at. It will get better. I'm serious when I say if I can do anything to help let me know. Staci Allen is my SIL she will vouch for me ;)Good luck, and I hope you are all feeling so much better really soon!

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