Friday, September 19, 2008

Ear Coning

If you have never done it, I highly recommend it. At least if you are the kind of person that takes much joy out of popping zits.

You basically light a special candle, stick it in your ear, and *viola* a few minutes later, this special "ear candle" has sucked out all sorts of nastiness from your cranium. You even get to see this nastiness. It is basically amazing.

I just did it and I swear that I hear so much better than I did before. And before you go thinking that I must have had some abnormally mingin' ears, I must say that I clean my ears with a q-tip everyday. So I'm pretty sure an ear cone would basically change your life too, no matter how clean you think your skull is.

Okay, so I'm about 99% sure that this post is what Michael Scott would call TMI (too much information) so I will stop and spare you a description of the post-use ear candle. But if you are interested, go to hi-health or Sprouts (or probably any health food store) and pick up your own set of ear candles. You wont regret it. Promise.


heather said...

Oh. I think you should have posted a picture for Michael Scott -who for as much of an idiot that he is, I am so excited to see next Thursday!

And I think I might have to try this because I've noticed that I am asking people to repeat things lately.


Sabriel said...

this sounds amazing! I adore you!!

Sheryl said...

i really want to learn how to do that! i need to do that!

Vanessa said...

at least you didnt post pictures too

brett and carly said...

Oh yes, I love that. Brett and I tried it out within the first few months of being married... it may be time to do it again!

Katie said...

ear coning? I have never heard of that, but I am sure I would need to do it. I will have to check it out.

Blair Family said...

That is awesome!!! I think I need to try that ear coning thing. Hey, how the heck are ya?? I am so glad I found you. I hope all is well. I look forward to keeping in touch.