When visiting my friends' homes as a child--friends with parents that didn't think video game would automatically make their children social outcasts--I would slobber over their nintendo systems. If they had a tv in their room with a nintendo attacted to it, I would be jealous beyond words. I would try to be as endearing as possible to the parents. I would begin cleaning their homes hoping they would notice how helpful I was and adopt me so that I too could have nintendo in my room.
I wanted nintendo SOOO badly. I begged my parents. But all of my pleadings fell on deaf ears. I mean, my father didn't break down and buy a computer until flat screened monitors became a standard feature in basically every household. He was convinced that computers and video games make children dorky. Like we'd get picked last in kickball if he kept up with technology. Well, guess what? I didn't have video games or a computer growing up and I was never any good at kickball (I did, however, kick trash in four square).
But as I mentioned, recent events have changed my life for the better. Thanks to kind neighbors who gave me their old super nintendo instead of throwing it in the trash, my mom trying to get rid of an old TV, and a dorky friend good with technology, I now have super nintendo set up in my bedroom. I played super mario for a solid 15 minutes today. From the comfort of my bed. It's just about the greatest thing to happen to me since New Kids on the Block busted onto the scene and changed my life forever.
Oh, and get this: the TV has a VCR attached to it. Classy.
We had strikingly similar childhoods. Though, I now have a computer in my room, and I'm pretty sure that it is turning me into a dork.
Way to go... I love Nintendo, but I'm not so great at Super Nintendo. Good luck! :)
have you tried dr. mario yet? i could play that game for days in a row!
guess who else has a tv/vcr! That's right, you guessed it, it's me! 15 inches baby.. mine all mine. Graduation present, high school graduation that is. Upgrades are for losers.
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