Monday, May 5, 2008

Note to self:

If you are really hungry, but don't take a lunch because you have to make a bunch of calls before you leave work and (in any case) you want to horde your precious shekels for a pair of Aladin pants, then finally make it home light-headed and quickly snarf 2 pita (which are more like plates because you left them out and they got really hard--but you are too hungry to care about such things) and large amounts of humus you are probably going to feel really really sick afterwards. 


Sheryl said...

Sad. Yet, funny. All together, classic.

tiffany garfield said...

Just reading that made me feel sick. I guess that's not easy to do these days. So, I check my phone messages today and I had 22. One was from you and who knows when you left the message since I had 22! Thanks for calling me. I would call you back if I could. I love you and think you're fabulous---as always! I love you! Twink p.s. I put the ultrasound up--it kind of looks like a baby now--it's really weird that I have a baby growing inside of me!!

Unknown said...

erin: i am running low on new blog entries (which cause me want to die of boredom at work) so i am demanding that you post a new one soon. like within the week. that's all. xo!