Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I feel really pathetic. The reason being that I have no real clue what I'm doing with my life and it seems to be dramatically rubbed in my face just about everyday.

Everyday, I meet new people who work at the embassy. Luckily, I've become really good at pretending a) to act important and b) that I know what I'm doing and that I'm aware of what's going on around me.  However, inevitably, if I speak to the person long enough, the questions start to go like, "So how long is your tour? Two or 3 years?" And inevitably it comes out. Intern. Such a dirty word. Thanks Monica.

Then the questions start in on my unplanned-out life,"So you've just finished school. What now?" 

Good question.  

I start in about planning on starting law school Fall 2009, taking a year off in the meantime to work in D.C. while eventually planning to be an FSO (Foreign Service Officer) with the State Dept. Then come the questions to which my answers brand me a complete screw-up and leave them wondering how I got the internship in the first place. 

Well, no, actually. I don't know where I will be working in D.C. Well, no, I don't know where I'll go to law school. Nope, haven't taken the LSAT yet. I, uh, just recently decided to go to law school. How did I decide? I guess I just sorta decided one day, I dunno. By this time, I sound as if it was lucky that I had even finished my undergrad.

And, of course, if the questions keep coming, I usually have to give up the fact that I live with a senior officer at the embassy who has been friends with my father since he was 19. Understanding lights up their faces. Right. Nepotism. That's why you are here. 

At this point I want to shake them and assure them that I am smart and capable and that taking advantage of nepotism is a prime example of said intelligence. And furthermore, in 9th grade I got a perfect score on a geography exam where we had to label every country IN THE WHOLE WORLD which led me to winning a dollar in a bet last year when a guy bet I didn't know where Estonia was. And I am really good at pinball. Take that.


Anonymous said...

I guess I can relate to how you feel. I am the lead designer of a core component of an important project for the church. People are often surprised to know that I am only a little intern when I tell them I am still in school. I kinda like that, you know. A little pawn doing amazing things? Don't feel sad, you should be proud of yourself.

Patricia said...

say you recently changed genders and you're confused on what kind of jobs are available to you. that will get them off your back.

tiffany garfield said...

Oh Erin it's all Monicas fault for disgracing the intern title! You are smart and capable and gosh dang it people love you! You think I'm kidding but I'm serious. You are great and I love you! I also love that you renamed our blog, "we breed athletes". you crack me up! Love you!