Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Good Day

Today was a crazy day. Absolutely crazy. Sometimes I need to pinch myself because everything just happens so fast. 

It began at 6:45 when I finally peeled myself out of my bed, ironed my shirt, and threw on dress slacks and heels, did something with my hair and ran out the door by 7:15 to walk to the ambassador's residence (in 4in heels). I live in the most expensive neighborhood in the entire country of Israel. So weird. Anyways, I make it there, get cleared by the 5 guards outside the residence and meet my colleagues at the embassy to prepare for the event I've been recruiting for this past month. I mix and mingle with some of Israel's top lawyers and business executives and get in plenty of practice at pretending to be important and knowledgeable. At one point my name was read off as a major contributor to the success of the event and these people actually clapped. So surreal.

But there were really three different things today that really made my day:

1) During the event, I didn't get a chance to eat much breakfast because I had to check in all the guests. So while the representatives from Coughlin, Stoia, Geller, Rudman and Robbins gave their schpeel about their asset-recovery program that was responsible for getting $7.8 billion from the Enron case, the manager of the ambassador's residence, David (who is way too charming for his own good), took me into the kitchens and let me help myself to the incredible food. The staff was hilarious. David, Collin the cook, Ali the embassy's main media guy and I sat around and chewed the fat. They made fun of me for being an intern and I didn't mind because I wasn't pretending. I was just being dorky me and it was nice. And the food was sooo good.

2) We worked with a consulting firm in the recruiting for the event. The head of the firm is a guy named Lenny, a former American who had emigrated to Israel. Lenny worked on Capitol Hill for 30-something years. He has incredible stories. I approached him and told him how much I enjoy hearing him talk and he told me how pleased he was when I had told him weeks before that I went to BYU. He had really good experiences with the Mormon Democratic senator who assisted in the acquisition of the property the BYU Jerusalem center is on. Anyways, we got to chatting about my future (everyone's favorite subject) and I decided not to be embarrassed about not knowing exactly what I wanted to do. So I told him I was planning on working in DC for a year before law school. I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to do during that year, and I was willing to do another internship. He said he knew of several organizations that would be very interested in me considering my background and experience with commerce in Israel. He asked me to send him my resume. This man is very connected and could REALLY help me out. Cross your fingers.

3) As I was coming home with work with John, I FINALLY felt like I wanted to talk to the dog owners and make sure that Satan had its shots. We drive up only to see a woman in an SUV mercedes and a policeman. I interrupt and ask if there was a dog at this residence. The woman flipped and said it had bitten her 20 minutes earlier and she had called the police. I told her my story, and basically, my timing was perfect. If I would have gone any earlier or later (not within that 40 minute period), they would have done what they did to her (slam the door in her face and deny that it could have happened) and I wouldn't have known what to do. But Ricky is an Israeli fireball so she is going to sue. I sent her all the pictures of the bite and my ripped pants. Sweet justice.


Sheryl said...

Oh wow! That is a good day. I've met a lot of well connected people also. Hopefully this guy will be able to help you way more than mine helped me. Love you!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, reading your post makes my day.